Saturday, May 28, 2016

Dandelion Whine

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ryan Hagerty

I suspect I’m not the first to employ this pun; probably many have used it before me. But, unlike many, I don’t whine about having dandelions in the yard, rather about our obsession with getting rid of dandelions and having perfect lawns.

Before society labeled dandelions as undesirable weeds, they often were planted as garden flowers. And indeed, a field of dandelions in bloom can be quite lovely. 
Creative Commons 2.0, Roger Kidd

Friday, May 20, 2016

Embracing the tortoise

More than a few years ago, I decided to try to live a less environmentally damaging lifestyle. So, I don’t use pesticides on my lawn, I carry my own refillable water bottle, I bring reusable bags when I shop, and I don’t eat meat. I try to be green. But I still throw batteries in the trash, drive most places I go, and buy organic berries in plastic clamshells. In so many ways, I live a typical American lifestyle that is far from environmentally friendly.

As I try to adopt a greener lifestyle, I’ve discovered that it’s a steady journey of small steps rather than a quick sprint to a destination. I’m finding that emulating the fabled tortoise, and not the hare, works better for me—and I hope for the environment. I’m taking small, deliberate steps, rather than making large, lightning-fast changes that easily fade.